8/10 - Well, this book was really not what I thought it would be. I mean, I didn't expect it to be uplifting, but I didn't expect it to be so disturbing either. Of course the events of World War II are disturbing, but this was more than that. It became very personal somehow and I wished the author hadn't felt the need to go into such great detail. It actually got to the point that I had a hard time sleeping after reading it. I was so hoping for a different resolution, not a happy ending exactly, but something more satisfying. Boy, do I need something light now.
just out of curiousity would you recommend it?
That's a hard question. Not to everyone certainly. There is a lot of sexually based violence, which made it hard for me, personally, to read it. However, it came with very high recommendations from people that I trust and get recommendations from regularly. It will definitely make you think.
this erra i have intrest in...i have seen schinlers list and the boy in the flannel pajamas...not to mention i have read the diary of anne frank and a few other survivor stories...
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